Monday, November 3, 2008

Daniel’s First Quadrennial Voters’ Guide

Well, another election day is upon us. Tomorrow, we will have the opportunity to vote for John McCain or Barack Obama. As you vote, I want you to consider some things:

1. It's OK not to vote. Yes. It really is. "Vote or die" is only P.Diddy's way of intimidating white people. (I'm just kidding. Kind of.) If you don't know the issues, if you are only voting for a certain candidate because you like the idea of Change, or because one guy was a POW 40 years ago, feel free to stay home. If you don't think either candidate is worth your vote, you don't have to vote. There are enough ignorant votes out there to sway the election either way. Save us all.

2. Don't buy the hype. No, Barack Obama is not the messiah. Should he be elected, the sky will not magically turn a new shade of blue. And no, John McCain is not God's candidate, any more than George W. Bush was. Vote the issues.

3. Don't take the bait. McCain is not an evil old man who wants to continue the Iraq war for 100 years. Obama is not a Muslim or a terrorist. Find some objective sources and do your own research. Don't take your parents' word for it. Or your pastor's. Or your friends. Grow up, think for yourself, and make an informed decision on who you think would better run this great country.

4. Can't we all just get along? Look, people disagree. But if you want to discuss politics with someone, don't do it for the purpose of making someone cry. Let's bring some civility to our discussions. If you can't do that, shut the hell up. Mature people can disagree and still like each other.

So there it is, my first voters' guide. No, I didn't tell you who to vote for. That's not my place. I don't care if you vote for McCain or Obama. Or even if you are just voting against the guy you don't want elected. Just don't be a jackass, OK? Know who you're voting for and why.